We stream all graduation ceremonies via Vimeo. Recordings will be available to watch on demand after the events have concluded.
Spring 2025 Graduation Schedule

Graduate, Undergraduate, Women’s College
All graduation day festivities will take place at:
Free Chapel
3001 McEver Road
Gainesville, GA 30504-5563
Friday, May 2, 2025
- Student Line-Up / Instructions: 8:30 a.m.
- Guest Seating Begins: 8:30 a.m.
- Graduation: 10:00 a.m.
Please note: Students will receive an email in early March directing them to submit a registration form to secure their seat at graduation. The registration forms submitted will be used to determine how many graduates are attending and, therefore, how many guest tickets will be allotted to each student.
The Women’s College Baccalaureate Ceremony
The Women’s College of Brenau University honors the Class of 2025 with this special evening in Pearce Auditorium. The Baccalaureate Ceremony celebrates the success and unique talents of our Seniors as they prepare to commence beyond the undergraduate experience. Faculty, staff, families, and friends will join the celebration as this Brenau tradition, which featured in the first Women’s College commencement in 1879, returns to the historic campus.
The Women’s College Baccalaureate Ceremony will take place Thursday, May 1 at 7 p.m. in Pearce Auditorium.
Applying for Graduation
Apply for graduation by completing the online application.
The deadlines are:
- Spring: Jan 15 with a late fee period from Jan. 16 – Feb. 1
- Summer/Fall: Sept. 15 with a late fee period from Sept. 16 – Oct. 1
Note: Students who apply for spring graduation after the final deadline (Feb. 1) will be given the opportunity to attend the fall graduation ceremony.
Don’t wait until the deadline! Apply now to receive your audit in plenty of time to change your schedule if needed!
If you do not get an email confirmation that we’ve received your application, do not assume that we’ve received it. Please follow up. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the application is received by our office.
The Registrar’s Office has many graduation-related responsibilities. Some (but not all!) are:
- Process graduation applications.
- Complete graduation audits and post degrees to student records.
- Assist with the graduation rehearsals and ceremonies.
- Bill graduation fees to student accounts.
- Order diplomas.
- Keep students updated about graduation.
GRADUATION ATTENDANCE – Who can participate? Students must complete ALL coursework by the graduation ceremony in order to attend. All coursework, and any pending transient work, must be transferred back to Brenau (via official transcript) BEFORE graduation. Students who have any coursework pending or have outstanding incompletes will not be permitted to walk.
Winter 2025 Graduation Schedule
This would primarily include students completing degrees Summer and Fall 2025.
Only students who are finished may attend. No outstanding coursework, incompletes or transient work permitted.
All ceremonies: Friday, Dec 12
Pearce Auditorium
Brenau University, Gainesville Georgia
- Graduate Programs (master, specialist, doctoral): Student check-in & line-up (Yonah Hall), 8:30 a.m. – guest seating begins at 9:00 a.m. – Graduation (Pearce Auditorium), 10:00 a.m.
- Undergraduate Programs (associate, bachelor): Student check-in & line-up (Yonah Hall), 12:30 p.m. – guest seating begins at 12:30 p.m. – Graduation (Pearce Auditorium), 1:30 p.m.

Guest seating for those without guests tickets will be available in the John S. Burd Center for Performing Arts, 429 Academy St NE, Gainesville, GA 30501.
Graduation Honors
What is the criteria to graduate with honors? Latin Honors are conferred upon qualified undergraduate students who have achieved the following cumulative grade point averages. Graduate students are not eligible for graduation honors as the criteria for admission and good standing are much higher than those set for undergraduate students.
- Cum Laude: 3.50
- Magna Cum Laude: 3.75
- Summa Cum Laude 3.90
To be eligible for consideration as an honor graduate, a student must have completed a minimum of three semesters of course work through Brenau. For computational purposes, equivalent Brenau grades and quality points will be assigned to academic grades earned at other accredited institutions.
The Registrar’s Office will issue black and gold honors tassels to undergraduate students who attained Latin honors. The tassels will be issued at the check-in table at graduation.
Honor Societies, Sororities & Organizations
Here is a list of approved department honor societies and sororities that may wear additional regalia (stoles, cords) to graduation. You must have been inducted into one of these organizations at Brenau. If your organization is not listed, please contact the Provost’s Office at 770-534-6119 to request approval for your organization.
- Alpha Lambda Delta (Freshman Scholarship)
- Alpha Psi Omega (Theatre)
- Alpha Sigma Lambda (Adult Honors)
- Delta Eta Pi (Dance)
- Delta Mu Delta (Business)
- Gama Sigma Alpha (Greek Academic Excellence)
- Kappa Delta Pi (Education)
- Kappa Pi, Beta Chapter (Art)
- Lambda Pi Eta (Communication)
- Mu Phi Epsilon (Music)
- Omicron Delta Kappa (Leadership)
- Order of Omega (Greek Leadership)
- Phi Alpha Theta (History)
- Phi Kappa Phi (National Honor Society)
- Phi Theta Kappa (Associate Degrees)
- Psi Chi (Psychology)
- Rho Lambda (Panhellenic Spirit)
- Sigma Tau Delta (English)
- Sigma Theta Tau (Nursing)
- Honors Program Graduates
- Alpha Eta Allied Health Honor Society (OT, PA, PT)
- Delta Mu Delta (Business)
- Delta Phi Tau (Physical Therapy)
- Delta Rho Tau (PT Service Society)
- Kappa Delta Pi (Education)
- Pi Alpha (Physician’s Assistant)
- Phi Kappa Phi (National Honor Society)
- Pi Theta Epsilon (Occupational Therapy)
- Psi Chi (Psychology)
- Sigma Phi Omega (Gerontology)
- Sigma Theta Tau [Nu Gamma Chapter] (Nursing)
- Alpha Chi Omega
- Alpha Delta Pi
- Alpha Gamma Delta
- Alpha Kappa Alpha
- Delta Delta Delta
- Delta Sigma Theta
- Phi Mu
- Zeta Tau Alpha
- Active Military and Veterans
- Brenau Fashion Network
- Black Student Association
- Her Campus
- Student Athletes
Additional Graduation Info
Announcements are ordered from Herff Jones.
Regalia is ordered from the Brenau Bookstore. Orders can be placed through the bookstore regalia store. Orders for Spring Graduation can be placed beginning February 7, 2025.
Graduate students (master, specialist, doctoral) will order hoods with their regalia package. Here is an instructional video of how to wear your hood. Of course, Brenau staff will be on hand on the big day to assist you.
Audits are completed once a semester. When the audit is updated, the student and adviser will be notified by email that the audit is available online in CampusWEB. ONLY students who’ve applied for graduation and had an audit completed will be able to view their audit in CampusWEB.
Diploma size
Undergraduate diplomas (associate’s, bachelor’s) are 8 x 11.5 inches. Graduate diplomas (master’s, specialist, and doctoral) are 12 x 15 inches.
Graduation fees are due by the end of the semester applied. The graduation fee covers all costs associated with graduation except for cap and gown. It is a comprehensive fee and covers administrative costs for administering graduation, diploma, graduation ceremonies, etc. As stated. The fee is a comprehensive fee and is therefore not reduced for students who do not attend graduation.
The number of guests that can attend graduation depends on how many students are walking and the
space allowed. All students are given the same number of guest passes. The Registrar’s Office will send an email out to students about 2-3 months prior to graduation as to their intention to attend. The number of guest passes will be determined on that response.
If your guests require lodging, we have partnered with several hotels in the area for special pricing. Check out our hotel page for a list of hotels that we have partnered with.
Graduation Parking
Winter Commencement: Parking is available in multiple areas on the Gainesville historic campus. Please see our Interactive Map for more information.
Spring Commencement: Ample parking is available on site at Free Chapel.
There will be a professional photographer on hand to photograph you receiving your diploma cover. Graduating students will be sent detailed information about how to order pictures closer to graduation.
What to wear to graduation
Your cap and gown are black, so please wear dark clothing, including dark shoes. We do not recommend high heeled shoes. During lineup, the Registrar’s Office will distribute the honors tassels to the undergraduate students who are graduating with Latin honors (cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude). Students inducted into departmental honor societies must contact their respective departments about ordering honor cords. Seniors may wear honor cords issued by a Brenau sponsored department/organization and the Brenau honors tassels at the graduation ceremony. You may only wear regalia issued through Brenau at graduation.